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Installing Documill Dynamo

To install Documill Dynamo, you will need to:

  1. Check the Salesforce requirements for Dynamo

  2. Install Dynamo from AppExchange

  3. Enable API in Salesforce

Salesforce requirements for Dynamo

Dynamo encompass all the activities that can be done from within the Documill Dynamo Lightning app. The following requirements need to be met in order to access any of the features offered by Documill Dynamo.

Compatible Salesforce Products

Dynamo is compatible with all Salesforce’s cloud services. For Salesforce Quote-to-Cash, please check the Documill Advanced Quoting extension.

Compatible Salesforce Editions

You can use Dynamo with the following Salesforce editions:

  • Lightning Professional (with Integration via Web Services API feature)

  • Lightning Enterprise

  • Lightning Unlimited


  • Developer

  • Performance

Install Dynamo from AppExchange

  1. Go to Dynamo AppExchange page.

  2. Click Get It Now.

  1. If not already logged in, log into AppExchange with your Salesforce credentials.

  1. Select whether you want to install the package in a production or sandbox organization. It is recommended to install Dynamo in both a Sandbox and Production environment to allow building and testing templates securely.

  1. Agree to the terms and conditions, and then click Confirm and Install.

  1. If not already logged in, log in to your Salesforce organization.

  2. Click Continue and follow the instructions of the Package Installer.

Enable API in Salesforce

API needs to be enabled so that Dynamo can access your organization’s data.

To enable API:

  1. In Setup, under Users, click Profiles.

  2. Next to the appropriate profile, click Edit.

  1. Click Save

Once Dynamo is installed and the steps have been completed successfully, the Documill Dynamo Lightning App will be available for use and can be accessed via the Salesforce App Launcher.


Continue to Salesforce Configurations and set up all the necessary user permissions to start generating documents with Documill.

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