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Introduction to Office Output templates

Office Output templates allow generating documents in Microsoft Office formats.

Once the document is generated, it can be edited directly in your Office application with all the familiar Office capabilities, just like any other Office document.

Dynamo allows the use of files of all three primary Microsoft Office document formats - Word (DOCX), PowerPoint (PPTX), and Excel (XLSX) - as content templates alongside HTML/”online” templates.

The below lists benefits of Office Output, including comparisons to the html/online format:

Benefits of using Office Output:

  • Easy template set-up: You can use your existing Office templates directly; no need to recreate your templates in another format.

  • Manage your templates effortlesly: Updating your Office template is easy and managed straight in your Office application. If you choose to leverage our Sharepoint integration, you can store your Office templates in Sharepoint for easy access.

  • Savings on Salesforce storage space: If you choose to leverage our Sharepoint integration, you can store both your Office templates and any generated documents in Sharepoint and free up space in Salesforce.

  • Merge in Salesforce data: you can pull in any required data from Salesforce to your template.

  • Powerful formatting and editing: The Office editing tool is more flexible for users to customize the documents and achieve extremely sophisticated design results. Also, it can be elevated with search-and-insert file Clauses through the Dynamo Add-in.

  • Collaboration: Using Sharepoint integration, save the generated document to Sharepoint and enable the team to collaborate on the document in real time, using the familiar Office commenting and @ tagging features. Or leverage our powerful collaboration orchestration tools (read below).

  • Extensive Office functionality: Use Excel calculations, add graphics with PowerPoint, etc.

  • Save your Office document as PDF: with the click of a button, save a PDF version of your Office document.

  • Similar capability to online templates: Office Output enables users to utilize most of the capabilities available with online templates, such as incorporating Clauses, setting up conditional content, and defining a process for sending generated and edited documents via email. Various content commands are available to create complex layouts such as the repeat command that allows creating nested tables.

  • You can build an end-to-end business process by coupling your Office Output template with our collaboration tools; read more below.

Main limitations of Office Output vs using an online template:

  • No out-of-the-box Salesforce-to-document data updates: Unlike using online templates, Office Output does not provide out-of-the-box functionality for automatically updating the template with the latest data from Salesforce. This functionality can be built in though.

  • No document-to-Salesforce data updates. Updating Salesforce fields with the latest data from a generated document is not available.

  • No interactive data collection: Office Output does not support interactive data collection from external parties, such as sending out forms for recipients to fill out and automatically updating relevant Salesforce fields with the collected data.

Build an end-to-end business process by coupling your Office Output template with our collaboration tools.

Once a document has been generated with Office output, you can leverage either our Engage or Leap solutions to:

  • Set up an internal review process: Orchestrate internal review efficiently by assigning clear tasks and deadlines to collaborators and track progress;

  • Collect approvals on the document: Enforce compliance with your internal approval standards;

  • Manage signing and track status of signing process: Initiate signature requests, track status, and receive notifications upon completion.

Our solution design team will be happy to find the perfect fit for you. Please contact us at

Office content templates require an additional Office output license that is not part of the Dynamo Online standard edition. Please contact to get a trial license.

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