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A Locale value specifies some country and/or language. Generally a Locale value can only appear in the logic when acquired through the system-generated UserInfo value, which provides a Locale representing the logic-running user's country and language.



Resolves into a String that is a country or region code of two possible formats. Either it is a ISO 3166 2-letter code, or a UN M.49 3-digit code.

For example, the expression ${UserInfo.locale.getCountry() == 'FI'} could check if the active user's country is Finland.

Using the shorthand form the expression becomes ${ == 'FI'}.


Resolves into a String that is a ISO 639 language code.

For example, the expression ${UserInfo.locale.getLanguage() == 'fi'} would resolve into "true" for users presumably in a Finnish-speaking region.

Using the shorthand form the expression becomes ${UserInfo.locale.language == 'fi'}.

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