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Setting Up Approvals

If your template was created after June 2024, please contact us at to enable this feature.

Feature only available via an Engage license.

Enabling Internal Approvals

To enable Internal Approvals, navigate to the template settings and then to the Workflow tab.
Under the Engage section, enable the Internal approval and select an additional external workflow if necessary. If an External workflow is selected, the Internal approal will happen before the selected external workflow.


After the Internal approvals have been enabled, the relevant settings will become available on the left-hand side.


In the Internal approval section, the approvers, criteria and general settings can be set up.


Withdraw: Allows the document owner to withdraw the document while it is in review.

Notification for approvers: Enables chatter notifications for the document owner and approvers.


Change to draft: Allows the document owner to change an approver or rejected document back to draft.

Setting Approvers and Criteria

Multiple approvers or approver groups can be added as needed. The User or Group ID field accepts either a valid ID from a Salesforce user or group of users or an expression resulting in an ID.


Each approver or approver group can be triggered by its own criteria. A criteria can be added either by typing in the criteria manually or by building a condition via the UI:

Click on the highlighted button

Click on the 'Add' button to insert the first condition

Click on the highlighted button to define the data field for the condition

Select a data source, in this example, we’re working with an Opportunity

Select a data field

Use the dropdown to pick an operator, and define the value to check against in the right-most field


Sending a Document for Approval

If the Internal Approvals have been set up correctly and the criteria is true for any of the approvers, the Request approval button will become available when viewing the document.


Clicking on the Request approval button will send a chatter to the the first approver as set in the settings, linking to the document and prompting them to review it.

Upon opening the document, the approver will be able to either Approve or Reject the document.


If the approver wishes to reject the document, they are required to provide a reason for the rejection. The provided reason will also be seant to the document author.


If the document is approved, the PDF version of the document will be saved to the related record in Salesforce, the approvers and author will be notified via chatter and the document status will change to Approved.

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