Scrive eSign with e-Identification
With the Documill Dynamo Scrive integration, Dynamo templates can use the external Scrive e-signature service.
The Dynamo Scrive integration add-on is not part of the standard Dynamo license; please ask to enable licenses for testing or production use.
In addition to Dynamo Scrive integration license, Scrive API account is needed. Please get in touch with Scrive to get a trial account or use the already purchased Scrive service.
The following article describes how to get started with Dynamo and Scrive.
Dynamo installation starts from Dynamo AppExchange listing. The default installation doesn't have the Dynamo Scrive integration license. Send an email to to request enabling the Dynamo Scrive license.
Next, you should download the Dynamo Scrive example template.
When you have a template on the local disk, upload it to Salesforce files:
Open Salesforce Files app
Click Upload Files button
Template configuration
By default, the Template is connected to the Opportunity object.
Open the uploaded template using Dynamo Template Builder.
Click the template builder Settings button and select Scrive section to configure Scrive API parameters.
The required API authentication info can be obtained from the Scrive account:
Select Account
Select Integration settings
Go to Personal access credentials
Create new credentials and copy needed values to the Dynamo template configuration
Client credentials identifier
Client credentials secret
Token credentials identifier
Token credentials secret
If personal API access credentials have already been defined and you don't know the credentials, you can remove the existing one and create a new one. Write down the credentials to be copied to template settings.
Set strong identification on for viewing and signing the document if you want signers to authenticate with a third party provider. The provider can be set to one of the following values:
Page configuration
Go to any Opportunity page and click Edit Page from Setup menu.
Drag and drop Dynamo Document List component to the page and select just saved template for the template attribute. Save page changes and exit page editor.
In the Opportunity page, you should now see the Dynamo Documents component with a New button. Click the New button to create a new document. Dynamo document UI opens. Click the Share button to start the share and e-sign workflow.
The UI will ask to select signers. By default, all opportunity account contacts are available for selection (preselected signers can be configured from the template settings).
Select signers and click OK. At confirm page, click Create Email to send the document for e-signing through Scrive.
Now the document has been sent. The Dynamo UI goes back to report page to show current document status. Click Exit button to go back to Opportunity.
Dynamo Documents component will show just created document and its status "Waiting for signatures".
When all parties have signed document status changes to "Signed" and the fully signed PDF document is saved under Opportunity related files.
The signature process has been completed.