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Sign Any PDF

If your template was created after June 2024, please contact us at to enable this feature.

Feature available via Engage license

With Dynamo, you can sign documents generated through it but you can also sign any PDF that exists in Salesforce. The feature can be enabled as follows:


Navigate to the Settings, then to the Document Outcome tab
Enable the “Other PDF” option
(Optional) Select a field to determine the ContentVersion ID of the PDF to be signed

If no ID is specified in the “PDF file version ID“ setting, the user will be taken to a selection screen, and asked to pick a PDF from the record-related files:


Click on the arrow on the right-hand side to select a PDF for signing

The rest of the process is the same as with other E-signing documents. Please note the following:

PDFs cannot be edited since PDF to HTML conversion is not supported.

The signature placeholder will be placed on its own page, which will added to the end of the PDF.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.