A UserInfo value is a package of information of the Salesforce user that is currently running the logic. It has a set of methods providing access to various kinds of data of the user.
Every evaluation process has a single UserInfo value available to the logic, accessed through the system-generated variable "UserInfo".
getDefaultCurrencyIsoCode() | Resolves into a String that is the ISO code of the user's default currency. This value is defined only if the user's organization uses multiple currencies - in single-currency organizations, the resolved value will always be For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getEmail() | Resolves into a String that is the user's email address. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getFullName() | Resolves into a String that is the user's full name. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getLocale() | Resolves into a Locale value representing the user's language and country. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getOrgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode() | Resolves into a String that is the ISO code of the user's organization's default currency. This value is defined only if the organization uses a single currency - in multi-currency organizations, the resolved value will always be For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getOrganizationId() | Resolves into a String that is the ID of the Organization record representing the user's organization. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getOrganizationName() | Resolves into a String that is the name of the user's organization. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getProfileId() | Resolves into a String that is the ID of the Profile record representing the user's profile in the organization. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getRoleId() | Resolves into a String that is the ID of the UserRole record representing the user's role in the organization. If the user doesn't have a role, the resolved value will be For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getTimeZone() | Resolves into a String representing the user's time zone. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getUserId() | Resolves into a String that is the ID of the User record representing the user. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
getUserName() | Resolves into a String that is the user's username, or login name. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |
isOrgMultiCurrency() | Resolves into a Boolean "true" if the user's organization uses multiple currencies, or "false" if the organization uses a single currency. For example, the expression Using the shorthand form, the expression becomes |