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1.30 - June 10, 2024

Store final documents to Files by default

Because Salesforce is phasing out ‘Notes & Attachments’ in favor of the individual ‘Files' and ‘Notes' related lists (see ), Documill Leap Salesforce app now stores final documents into ‘Files’ by default.

Documill Leap components still offer an option to revert this behavior and store final documents as 'Attachments', in case it is needed (e.g. when using Documill Leap components in Experience Cloud Site).

Improvement for using multiple Documill Leap components in one Record Page Layout

If a single Record Page Layout contains several SF-Leap Components, each set up with different Leap Workflow / Dynamo Templates, the Leap Projects will be organized based on the respective Templates.

Other improvements

  • Show error message when a user who is not an Organization Admin tries to use the Documill Leap User Management page.

  • Removed unnecessary error message when someone, who has not been added to Documill Leap, tries to open a Record Page containing Documill Leap Salesforce component.

  • Fixed incorrect file extension for the ZIP file containing all versions of a document.

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