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Opening a Task

From Notification

  1. Open the notification you received (could be in form of e-mail, Slack message, or Salesforce Chatter)

  2. Click the [Open Task] button

  3. You may need to sign in

  4. You will then see your Task in full-screen mode

  5. Check task description and Task Role in the Task Overview panel

From Home page

  1. Sign in to Leap

  2. In Home page, look for "My Tasks" section

  3. Click the task you want to work on

  4. You will then see your Task in full-screen mode

  5. Check task description and Task Role in the Task Overview panel

From a Project

  1. Sign in to Leap

  2. Go to Projects page

  3. Open the project where the Task is located

  4. Go to Project Tasks page

  5. Click your Task to open it and set it as full-screen to have a better view

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