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Batch API

The use of API is subject to additional licenses. Please contact for more information or a trial.

Documill Dynamo's batch processing add-on feature provides a fault-tolerant and highly scalable platform for high-volume processing. It enables the generation of a large volume of documents using the Dynamo batch API.

A batch refers to the Dynamo application template (DAP) and can contain one or more batch tasks with parameters. Typically, Salesforce environment data is referenced through a record ID provided as a parameter.

Batch tasks run without end-user interaction and are scheduled to run as resources permit. Dynamo’s elastic platform ensures that batch tasks are processed as quickly as possible, scaling up to the needed size when more tasks are posted.

A typical use case for batch API is sending a high number of personalized documents to different customers, for example, at the end of the month. This process could involve generating a PDF per customer and then sending the PDF as an email attachment. The main data source could be the Salesforce Account or Contact object, where the receiver details are fetched. Required accounts could be selected using Salesforce flow, where customer-specific logic would pick accounts and call the Dynamo Batch API with account record IDs.

License-wise, batch processing is tracked per posted batch task. In other words, one document generated from one main record consumes one batch task from the license stack. All organizations have an automatically limited number of batch tasks for trial use. For production use, please contact to obtain the required number of batch tasks.

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