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Customize Email Options (Legacy)

When Email Feature is enabled, end-users to send the final document as email attachment in the end of the process in one click.


When end-users click to the Send button, an email draft will be populated with ready-made content from email template and default recipient address based on Salesforce data.


Enable Email feature

In Settings -> Save & Email tab, switch on the Enable email feature button


Select the email template to be used for the content in email body. End-users can always edit the email body if needed. If None is selected, the email body will be empty for end-users to fill in later.


Select the default recipient's email address. Add an email field in Salesforce to have dynamic default recipient's address, for example end-user's email or primary contact role's email. If the field is left empty, end-users will fill in later.


Edit the default email subject. Add a Salesforce field to have dynamic subject. If the field is left empty, end-users will fill in later.


How to add CC, BCC, Reply-To in email options.

Navigate to the workflow page: Home -> Main Flow -> Send Options - End:


Depending on your Main Flow configuration, the mail command can be located in different steps. Right-click on the Mail Flow tab, and select Open all steps view:


Search for the mail command. When found, you can drag commands under the mail command from the left sidebar and set a value on the right sidebar:


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