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Designing Screens - Working with Checkbox

In User Input Screens or any HTML form, a checkbox is a form control that allows users to select or deselect a particular option. It is represented by the <input> element with the type attribute set to "checkbox." Checkboxes are used when you want users to make one or more selections from a list of options.

Here are some common use cases for checkboxes within Dynamo Template :

  • Multiple Choices: When users can choose multiple options from a list. For example, selecting multiple content clauses to populate in the document.

  • Yes/No: When users want to populate or not a certain content in the document, for example, an image, or merge an attachment or display discount in pricing table.

Insert checkbox to screen

After clicking on Edit Screen or creating a new screen (or form). To add checkbox inside the container,

  1. Put cursor inside the container

  2. Click on </> Checkbox Group on the left sidebar

  3. A checkbox group with a checkbox button will appear inside the container.


Set up Checkbox

Each of the <checkbox> element will have its own set of attribute, including Name and Label. On checkbox group level, only label, which reflects directly onto the screen, can be set.

For Checkbox Group element:

  1. Select the Checkbox Group on the breadcrumb

  2. On the right pane, enter values for Label in the Attributes section.

    • Label is the text that displays above the checkbox buttons, giving more details about the checkbox selection for end users. Label can be left empty if not needed.

  3. More Checkbox elements can be added with Add Item also on this group element.


For Checkbox element:

  1. Click on each checkbox button and then click on the Checkbox element on the breadcrumb

  2. On the right pane, enter values for Name, Value and Label in the Attributes section:

    • Name is the variable that will hold the value when end user selects. For example, when users check this checkbox, the Flow will understand that checkbox1=A. This attribute should not be empty.

    • Value is the value that the checkbox holds. This attribute can be left empty, then the value will be resolves into Boolean value. For example, checkbox1=true when this checkbox is checked

    • Label is the display text on screen. This attribute should not be empty.



Adding/removing checkbox options:

  • Adding additional checkbox can be done by: select the Checkbox Group element on the breadcrumb > Click on 'Add item' on the top of the right pane

  • Removing checkbox can be done by: select the Checkbox element on the breadcrumb > Click on the trash can icon on the top of the right pane.

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