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Introduction to Dynamo Clauses

A Dynamo Clause is a reusable content block that can be inserted in a document if and when needed.

Clauses are centrally managed and can be used in different templates. You can set up a clause library and users can leverage the clauses across any of the templates you set up in Documill.

Clauses can be inserted in documents in two ways:

  • Automatically Populated Clause: a specific clause can be set to populate in a specific part of a document automatically, using logic conditions. These clauses are added straight to the template body via the template builder.

  • Manually Populated Clause: a user can manually pick a clause from a list and insert it in a part of their choosing in a document. This is done during the editing phase by the end users.

Continue to Using Clauses to read more about it.

Note that Clauses can have several language versions, i.e. the same content in different languages.

Here is how a user could manually insert a Clause during editing:


  1. Consistency: Ensures uniform language and adherence to standards across documents.

  2. Efficiency: Speeds up document creation by using pre-approved clauses.

  3. Error Reduction: Minimizes mistakes and omissions through standardized, vetted language.

  4. Compliance: Enhances legal compliance by maintaining up-to-date, approved clauses.

  5. Easy Updates: Simplifies the process of updating terms and conditions for example. Note that updating Clauses can be done easily from Salesforce without accessing the Template Builder. Therefore, managing Clauses is accessible to any resource with a Salesforce access and does not require any technical skills. Typically, Clauses are managed by contracting experts while Templates are managed by Salesforce experts.


  1. Payment terms: In a Sales Agreement, you could set up 3 different Payment terms clauses - one for 30 days, one for 45 days and one for 60 days for example. The Sales rep generating the Sales agreement can manually pick the one that should apply to the contract he/she is generating (Manually Populated Clause), OR you can set up a rule whereby the 30-day term applies for all agreements by default except if, based on Salesforce data, the customer is from a specific region, the deal is of a specific value, or any other criteria you can think of as long as it is recorded in a relevant Salesforce record (Automatically Populated Clause).

  1. Product description: In a Quote, you could set up 3 different product descriptions - one for Product A, another for product B, and another for product C. The Sales rep generating the Quote can manually pick the one that should appear in the quote he/she is generating (Manually Populated Clause), OR you can set up a rule whereby the right product description appears based on the products selected in the relevant Salesforce record (Automatically Populated Clause). If you generate Quotes in multiple languages, you can save multiple versions of the Clause in each relevant language and have the right language Clause populate based on the Account’s language.

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