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Create a Documill Agreement Record

There are two ways to create a new Documill Agreement record for an agreement:

  • From Leap Project component once the project is completed.

  • From Documill Agreements object.

From Leap Project component

1. Open the Salesforce Record where the Leap Project was prepared.

2. Open the completed Leap Project.


3. Click [Create Documill Agreement] button.


4. To see the new Documill Agreement, click [Open Documill Agreement] button.


  • You can create a Documill Agreement if the Salesforce Record has Account information.

  • You can only create one Documill Agreement from a completed Leap Project.

From Documill Agreement object

1. In Salesforce, click [App Launcher] button.

2. Search for “Documill Agreements”.

3. Click [Documill Agreements] item.


4. Click [New] button on the top right corner.


5. Fill in the necessary fields.

6. Click [Save] button.


You have created a new Documill Agreement record. From here, you can prepare the agreement document by creating a new Leap Project: Create a Leap Project .

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