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Create a new Organization

To create a new Organization, you need to log in first:

Log in by creating new Leap Account

1. Go to

2. Fill in your name.

3. Fill in your email.

4. Mark the checkbox to agree with our Terms of service.

5. Click [Get started] button.

6. Open the email that was sent to your inbox.

7. Click [Activate account] button.

8. Create a password for your Leap Account.

9. Click [Activate account] button.

Log in with existing Leap Account

1. Go to

2. Fill in your email.

3. Click [Continue] button.

4. Open the email that was sent to your inbox.

5. Click [Register a new one] link.

6. Fill in your password.

7. Click [Log in] button.

Once logged in, you will be offered to create a new Organization:

1. Fill in the name of your organization.

2. Click [Continue] button.

3. Fill in the survey form.

4. Click [Get started] button.

5. Fill in your password again to log in to your new Organization.

  • When you create a Leap Organization, you'll become the Organization Admin.


Now that your Leap Organization is ready, you might want to follow the tutorial to Create your first project .

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