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Batch Status

Gets batch status with given ID.

Batch status is available 24 hours from posting the batch.


GET: /v1/batch/:batchId

Success response

Successful request will return status code 200 (OK).

Response JSON properties

postDateTime: date and time when batch was posted.

completed : true if batch has been completed i.e. all batch tasks have been processed with errors or not.

completedDateTime: date and time when batch was completed.

errors: true if batch contains errors (batch processing error or error in batch task)

statusMessage: textual presentation of current status: “Waiting”, “Started”, “Completed”, error message

tasks: batch tasks. : task ID.

task.completed: true if task is completed.

task.errors: true if task produced errors.

  "postDateTime" : "datetime",
  "completed" : true,
  "completedDateTime" : "datetime",
  "errors" : false,
  "statusMessage" : "Completed"
  "tasks": [
      "id" : "taskid",
      "completed" : true,
      "errors" : false,
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