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An HTML content command that brings text or document content into its host element.

The resolved value of its primary attribute may be a File, an Online template Part, a String, or any other kind of value that then gets converted into a String.

  • If the value is a File, the file is expected to be a HTML document or an Online template. In the case of a HTML document, a specified part or all of the document's body content is imported into the host element. An Online template value causes a logic evaluation to happen, as described below.

  • If the value is a Part of the Online template this attribute is in, the content of the document of that Part is automatically evaluated and the result imported into the host element. If the Part doesn't contain document content, this attribute produces an error.  

  • If the value is a String and the String contains at least one character, that String is simply set as the text content of the host element. Should there be any EL-expressions in that text content, those expressions are replaced by text representations of the values they resolve into. If the resolved value is an empty String - one with no characters - it is treated in the same way as if there was no value defined (this behavior may be altered through the composeContent command initiating the evalution of this command).  

  • If the value is of any other type, its text representation is set as the text content of the host element. If the value is undefined ie. null, the host element will not be affected in any way.

With Online template values, the end result is HTML content being imported in a similar manner, but the content to be imported is defined by the template's logic. The Compose Flow of the template is run with "import" as the initiating event. The content to import is the result of the last composeContent command run within the Flow. A composeContent within the Flow may also define itself to be the import result's producer through an attribute. The result is then expected to be HTML and that HTML is imported into the host element in the same way as if the resolved value was a HTML file to begin with.

This command has a priority of 15.

As content may trigger the evaluation of another HTML template by having an Online template or Part as its resolved value, it can cause other content commands to be evaluated. Those content commands in that other template may not trigger further template evaluations to occur, and so if any of them would have an Online template or Part as the resolved value, an error would occur.

Secondary attributes



Value type





If this attribute's value resolves into true, the new content is placed after any existing content within the host element. Otherwise the new content replaces the existing content.

If not defined, the value of false is used.



Value type





Specifies a Format that takes the value to output and formats it into a String as according to its formatting rules. This attribute doesn't have any effect if the output value is a File or an Online template Part.

The resolved String is expected to the name of a Format defined earlier in the logic.



Value type





If the resolved value of this attribute is the name of a Parser, the value to output is first converted into a String (if it isn't one already) and then parsed into another type of value by the Parser. This attribute doesn't have any effect if the output value is a File or an Online template Part.

If both content-parser and content-format attributes are defined, the parsing process is done before the formatting.

If undefined or if the named Parser cannot be found, the value retains its original type.



Value type





If this attribute's value resolves into true, the host element is removed and the new content is placed into the document on the same level on which the host element was. Otherwise the new content is placed inside the host element.

This attribute has no effect if the new content is not provided as a File. Text content is always placed inside the host element.

If not defined, the value of false is used.



Value type





Defines the content that is imported from a HTML document file. The resolved String is treated as a class name and the content to import is the first element within the document that represents this class.

This attribute has no effect if the new content is not provided as a File. Text content is always brought into the host element in its entirety.

If not defined, all content within the HTML document's body is imported. If the document does not have a body tag, the entire document is imported.


The content command may be placed into any HTML element that can contain text, such as span:

<span dyn-content="sampleText"/>

If importing a HTML file, you may only want bring in a specific part of its contents. The content-target secondary attribute helps with that - in this example, only the first element in the "sampleHTMLDoc" File with class of "mainBlock" will appear:  

<div dyn-content="sampleHTMLDoc" dyn-content-target="mainBlock"/>
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