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A child command for modifyWorkbook
will, through its child commands, set values into one or multiple cells of the specified row. Any cell content on the specified row or below it (i.e. has a higher row index) on or between the columns that are being modified gets shifted one row downwards, so insertRowValues
will never overwrite any existing cell content.
Parent commands
Required. This parent defines the workbook that is modified.
Child commands
Required. At least one of these child commands is required to set a new value for a cell in the specified row.
row | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | Number | Yes |
Defines the row whose cells will be modified by the child commands. The resolved value is expected to be a row index Number, with the first row having an index of 1. |
sheet | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | String | Yes |
Defines the sheet where the target row is in. The resolved String is expected to be the name of a sheet in the workbook. |
As insertRowValues
provides a simple way to set values into multiple cells of a row, it pairs well with forEach for producing multiple content-filled rows. One could, for example, make rows out of Salesforce query results - the following goes through a Collection of Opportunity records, setting the Name and Amount of each Opportunity onto its row. The Loop status provided by forEach
is used to generate the sequential row indexes, with the first row to modify in this example being row 4.

<forEach value="${opportunities}" var="opp" varStatus="status"><insertRowValues row="${status.count + 3}" sheet="Sheet1"><rowCell column="A" value="${opp.Name}"/><rowCell column="C" value="${opp.Amount}"/>
Any existing cell content on the sheet that is on row 4 or below on columns A, B, or C is shifted down as many rows as there are Opportunities to loop through. Any content on those rows on any other column would remain in place.