The SharePoint integration requires additional licenses. Please contact to enable the licenses.
Saves provided file to SharePoint.
var | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | DriveItem | Yes |
Defines the name of the variable holding the return value of the uploaded file in SharePoint. The returned value is map based on SharePoint API DriveItem JSON. |
value | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | File | Yes |
Defines the file that is saved to SharePoint. File name is taken from the file object (fileName property). |
host | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | String | Yes |
Defines the hostname of the SharePoint site e.g. “”. |
site | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
Yes | String | Yes |
Defines the name of the SharePoint site e.g. “MySite”. |
folder | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
No | String | Yes |
Defines the name of the folder where the file is saved. If folder doesn’t exits it will be created. |
overwrite | ||
Required | Value type | EL-evaluated |
No | Boolean | Yes |
Defines whether file with the same name is overwritten or not. Existing file will be replaced with a new version if set to true. If this attribute is left empty or set to false a new file will be created with an incrementing number value added to the name e.g. MyFile 2.docx. |