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Sign emails

The emails being sent throughout the e-signature process (requesting signature, sharing signed document, etc.) can be customized by navigating to Home and clicking on an email part:


Only the “All Signed” and “Sign request” templates are related to e-signing (“Re-share” and “Share” as well as “With attachment” are email templates related to other steps in the process)

Further e-signing email templates can be created with the +New button.

Please note that dynamic data is only available to the 'Sign request' email template unless it is added to the conf map, using the addMapEntry command.

Understand when each email is used in the signing process:

Custom email

When it is used

Sign request

Sent to the signer when the document is initially shared for siging.


Sent to the signer when a document author uses the 'Remind' feature

All signed

Sent to the signer(s) and the author when the signing is completed


Sent to the document author when the signer rejects the document

The “Reminder“ and “Rejected“ emails are by default queried from our backend, hence, they’re not visible in the Home menu. However, new templates can be created and put into use via the settings

Create Reminder and Rejected emails

Click New from the Emails section of the Home menu


Add a new email part


Select the newly created email part from the settings

The same concepts of template building apply to customizing emails:


In order to make sure the custom template is used, the Signing settings need to be configured by selecting the right template for each step:


Please note that email subjects can be customized as well. Expression language can be used to add dynamic data to the subjects. Example:


Click the data-picker to import dynamic fields

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