E-signatures can be enabled and tested by following the steps below:
Quick Setup
Enabling the Signing functionality:
No signers have to be predefined in order to test the template. If the 'Can select signers' setting is enabled, by default, the related account contacts (supported objects: Account, Case, Contract, Opportunity, Quote) as well as the document author will be selectable.
End-to-end testing can be fully done within the template builder as such:
During initial testing, the following setup is recommended for efficient testing and no email spamming:
The dynTest parameter determines if emails are sent out or if they are simulated within the template builder. The eventID parameter is 'new' by default, this means a new document will be created every time when test. This can be switched to 'false' if debugging a specific document is required.
No actual emails will be sent during testing with ‘dynTest' set as 'true’. So the following screen will show a simulation of what the recipient would see:
To test the Signer’s point of view:
To proceed with testing the Signing from the second signer's point of view, you can click 'Test' and proceed with the same steps as above.
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