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How to Configure Signers for E-Sign Flow

Feature only available via an Engage license.

When designing a template with e-signing capabilities, it is critical to think how the signers will be defined. Signers can be classified as either internal or external, depending on their association with the organization. This document outlines the process for defining and managing these signers to ensure smooth and efficient document signing.

Automatic Signers

Automatic signers are those who are pre-selected to sign documents. These can be categorized into:

  • Automatic External Signers: External parties who are automatically assigned as signers based on predefined criteria in the template. Usually, it will be the main contact role of the prospect. If the settings are left empty, the primary contact of the main object or related account contacts can be selected manually

  • Automatic Internal Signers: Internal stakeholders within the organization who are automatically assigned as signers based on predefined criteria.


If the 'Can select signers' setting is enabled, by default, the related account contacts (supported objects: Account, Case, Contract, Opportunity, Quote) as well as the document author will be selectable.


Select signers from a Salesforce group during the sharing phase

Manual Signers

Manual signers are those who can be enlisted to be selected as the signers. The selected signers will sign the document in an order.

  • Manual External Signers: If there are multiple external signers, users can choose which contact to use. To determine the source of the signer contact, you can use an Expression Language (EL) expression. This expression dynamically retrieves the contacts from the specified account.

  • Manual Internal Signer Group: define the Public Group Name or Id to enable users to select any member of the group to be invited for signing a document. For example,


Define the public group name to enlist users in that group

Internal signers defined manually via Salesforce groups

Start by opening the Settings in the template builder and navigating to the Signers tab.


Set a Signers group using a user group ID from Salesforce:


This enables users to select any member of the group to be invited for signing a document:


Select signers from a Salesforce group during the sharing phase

Hardcoded preselected internal signer example

Names of users from the Salesforce organization can be used for Hardcoded preselected internal signers. This user will always be a signer for this document.


Dynamic preselected internal signer example

User IDs from Salesforce can be used for dynamically preselecting internal signers such as an Opportunity contact person. The correct signer will be added based on Salesforce data.


More about building queries with Dynamo: Template Data Source

Hardcoded preselected external signer example

External signers being users from outside the Salesforce organization, will require more information entered into the Settings as they might not have the information stored in Salesforce.


Dynamic preselected external signer example

Contact ID is the only mandatory field required when defining a dynamic external signer.


Example of sourcing the data from Salesforce:


Add a new Related List Record


Fill in the attributes like in the image above and Save
This will ensure the query retrieves the primary contact of the Opportunity

The query attributes might change depending on the use case.

Dynamo supports advanced methods of querying and filtering multiple signers

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