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A logic command that adds an electronic signature to a PDF document. The various attributes of this command are used to configure the signature's properties, as well as its visual appearance in the document content.

Required Attributes



Defines the name of the File variable holding the signed PDF document.



Defines the PDF document to be signed.



Defines the email address of the signer. This is one of the signature's properties, which can be viewed in the signed PDF.



Defines the location of the signer. This is one of the signature's properties, which can be viewed in the signed PDF.



Defines the reason for this signing. This is one of the signature's properties, which can be viewed in the signed PDF.


String, File

Defines an SVG image to be used as the visual representation of the signature in the document. The resolved value may either be a SVG String, or an SVG File.

Other attributes signaturePageNum, signaturePositionX, signaturePositionX, signatureSVGWidth and signatureSVGHeight configure placement and size of the image defined with this attribute.

If undefined, an completely transparent SVG image will be used and the signature will not be visible in the document.



Defines the number of the page onto which the signature image defined with signatureSVG is placed. The resolved value may be a positive or negative integer. If positive, the integer is interpreted as a page number, e.g. '2' brings the image onto the second page. If negative, the integer is interpreted as a page number counting from the last page backwards, e.g. '-1' puts the image onto the last page.

If undefined, value of 1 is used, so the signature will appear on the first page of the document.



Defines the X coordinate of the position of the signature image defined with signatureSVG. A value of 0 would put the image onto the left side of the page, with greater values moving it to the right.

If undefined, value of 0 is used.



Defines the Y coordinate of the position of the signature image defined with signatureSVG. A value of 0 would put the image onto the bottom of the page, with greater values moving it towards the top.

If undefined, value of 0 is used.

Other Attributes



Defines the width of the signature image defined with signatureSVG. Defines also the width of the transparent SVG used if 'signatureSVG' was undefined.

If undefined, the original width of the SVG image is used.



Defines the height of the signature image defined with signatureSVG. Defines also the height of the transparent SVG used if signatureSVG was undefined.

If undefined, the original height of the SVG image is used.

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