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Resolving Request for changes Task

Available to Project Owner

If a a Collaborator has requested changes on a File, it is Project Owner’s Task to take action and resolve the request. The actions available to the Project Owner are:

  • Modify the progress of the Project by selecting new File or moving to previous Step.

  • Reassign the Task to other Collaborators.

  • Resolve rejection by allowing yourself to modify the File.

Start Resolving Request

Follow these steps to begin resolving the rejection:

1. Open the Task Overview.

A. From the list of Tasks.


B. From full-screen task mode.


2. Click [Start resolving rejection] button.


Depending on the reason why the File was rejected, the required modifications, and the File format, you can choose one of the following ways to resolve the rejection:

Select New File or Previous Step

1. Choose [Select new file or previous Step] option.

2. Click [Flow] to attach a new File if you want to replace the File.


3. In the dialog that opens, add or select a File to replace:

A. Click [Attach] button if you want to select a File from [Available Files] folder.


B. Add a new file by clicking [Upload Files] button or by dragging and dropping Files.


4. Select a previous step if you want to return the File to any Step in the workflow.


5. Add a comment and click [Resolve rejection] button.


Reassign Task to Other Collaborator

1. Select [Reassign task to other Collaborator] option.


2. Choose another Collaborator to review this File.

A. Select from the list of project Collaborators.


B. Add a Collaborator by email.


4. Add a comment.

5. Click [Resolve rejection] button.


Reassigning to other Collaborators will mark the original Task as Completed.

Resolve Request by Yourself

This method of resolving rejection will create a new Edit Step so that you can make changes to the File yourself.

1. Select [I will resolve it by myself] option.

2. Click [Confirm] button.


3. The Project Owner will now receive a Task to edit the File.

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