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Working on a Project

Available to Project Admin and Organization Admin

Whether you have a proposal to collaborate, an agreement to negotiate, or a contract to be signed, Leap Project can help to make the process clearer and manageable. This page briefly explains how a Leap Project, or project for short, can be prepared and managed to get the work done.

Create a project

A user with Project Admin or Organization Admin role can Create a Project . When the user creates a project, the user will be given the Project Owner Project Role. The Project Owner manages and oversees a project. The first thing they need to do is to plan the project.

Plan a project

During planning, a Project Owner would need to do at least:

You can read more about planning a project in this page: Plan a Project .

When a project is created, it will have Planning as its status. It is also good to know that a project may go through different Project Statuses :

Leap project statuses

The ideal path for a project to progress would be Planning → Live → Completed. However, when needed, a project can also be Paused or Canceled.

When the planning is completed, it is time to start the project.

Start a project

When the planning is ready, a Project Owner can Start a Project. Invitations will be sent automatically to the collaborators and they will be able to work on the tasks they are assigned to. When a project is started, its status will also change into Live.

Manage a Live project

When a project is live and collaborators are working on their tasks, the Project Owner can perform several activities:

See the progress of a live project

Besides being the place to orchestrate the work in a project, Project Workflow also shows the progress of a live project.

Resolve disagreement

With certain tasks, a collaborator has the chance to express their disagreement with a file by rejecting the file. When this happens, it is the Project Owner’s responsibility to open the Resolving Rejection Task and take necessary action.

Modify workflow

Sometimes a live project needs to be adjusted. When this happens, the Project Owner can still Manage Workflow to make changes as needed.

Pausing a live project

When the adjustment on a live project is large, Project Owner mayo Pause a Project to temporarily stop collaborators from working. It would then be safer to adjust the project as needed and resume the project when everything is ready.

Complete a project

The progress in a Live project happens automatically whenever a collaborator completes their task. When all tasks in a project are completed, then the project will also be marked as completed automatically. The Project Owner will also receive a notification about this.

The final work of the project is accessible by collaborators who are assigned as Recipient.

Cancel a project

When an ongoing project is not needed anymore, the Project Owner can decide to mark the project as Canceled. This will prevent collaborators to work on the task and stop the progress of the project.

Canceling a project is permanent and irreversible.

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