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Other Settings

These settings apply to templates created before June 2024.

For easier navigation, each Settings tab defines which part of the workflow will be impacted.

Document Outcome

Configure the outcome document title, language and its body content. If the content is implemented in the template and there might be more than one, users can select from the list which is relevant for the case.

The ‘Other PDF’ feature allows to sign documents that come outside Documill - read more here: Sign Any PDF

docuemnt outcome.png

Document View
  • Compare versions: enables the Compare screen allowing users to check and compare which content has been added or removed

  • Activity report: enables users to check which activity has been performed, for example, user A edited the document

  • PDF Preview: enables the PDF preview screen to check the overall print layout

  • Comments: shows the Comments section on screens

  • Refresh data: shows the ‘Refresh’ button where the document will update with latest changes made in Salesforce

  • Start with print (PDF) view: enables the first screen users and external users see to be a preview of the PDF. If off, the first screen will always be HTML view where Comments and Navigation panel are enaled to read.

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Allows users to edit pre-defined editable parts. For usage of Clause, please refer to Dynamo Clauses.

edit engage setting tab.png

Internal Approval
internal approval setting ta.png

This section defines how to add approvers and enable the Approval Process workflow.

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Defines document share type and features (e-Signature, external approval, external editing). What does Share settings include? Share


Enables e-Identification for strong authentication when signing. Currently, this is only available in Finland.

identification setting tab.png
External Approval

Tab enabled only when Share > Use Approval is switched on. How to define external approvers and the relevant workflow: Setting Up External Approval

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How to add signers and enable the Electronic Signature workflow.

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Define email related settings and values. Please refer to Email for further configuration.

email engage settings tab.png


Configure SharePoint integration for final file storage. Please refer to Integrations for more information.

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Template Builder
  • Enables the API button to test the template with API. For further information on our API, please refer to Task API

  • Enables the Release button to keep another file that only contains complete changes rather than smaller development before release to users.

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