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Task API Use Cases

Dynamo Task API can be invoked from Salesforce and from any other system that can initiate HTTP requests.

Salesforce record triggered task

A typical use case with Salesforce would be a situation where a record being created or updated would cause the need to run DAP (Dynamo Application Template Package). DAP could e.g. create a document based on the new record without any human interaction.

Let’s consider that there is a need to create a contact information PDF when a new contact record is created.

Steps to accomplish this use case:

  1. Create DAP using Contact as main object: select API master from template builder

  2. Create Outbound Message for Contact object referring just created DAP through DAP file id

  3. Create record triggered Flow for Contact object

  4. Activate Flow

When the described steps are done, a new Contact record creation would trigger a call to Dynamo and execution of the defined DAP that would save contact information PDF to the Contact record.

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