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Creating a Document Content Template

A template can have multiple document parts which contain different content and can later be conditioned to be visible to end-users.

A new document part can be created by selecting +New under the Documents section from Home view.

new document part.png

Editing toolbar

Like any other document editing tool, Documill also provides basic editing functions to style the text and makes it as universal as possible. The following text styling is available from left to right:

editing tool bar.png
  • Cut and Copy texts/element

  • Undo and Redo

  • Bold, italic, underline and Strike-through

  • Create span: to create a <span> element out of selecting texts

  • Remove format: remove any applied formats to the element/texts

  • Hyperlink and Unlink

  • Ordered list and Numbered list

  • Indent and Out dent

  • Add image placeholder, table or page break (see sections below)

  • Change text color and Change text background color

  • Define headings

  • Show blocks: to show all the created elements in the document as blocks. This helps to identify the empty lines or hidden created span that take up spaces

Usually the basic process of creating content is to input all the necessary text (possible to copy & paste), map the dynamic content and eventually style the document.

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