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Dynamo Template Basics

Dynamo template is the online template file (.dap) that contains Content templates (Document content and Email content templates) and a Workflow. The content template’s technically more accurate term is “HTML Template” because they are built using HTML and CSS standards.

While the term HTML can be daunting, thanks to its Visual editor, the Dynamo Template Builder allows creating content templates without manual code editing or advanced web knowledge.

Indeed, the Dynamo template builder provides two editors for HTML templates:

  • Visual editor

Visual editor is the default and recommended editor for creating HTML templates. It doesn’t require any HTML knowledge and will make sure that the underlaying HTML code stays correct and valid.

  • Source code editor (advanced)

Source code editor provides a standard HTML code view to the HTML template. Changes in visual editor are reflected to the code. Please note that editing the HTML code requires knowledge of the HTML standard, and wrong edits can lead to unwanted results.

In this thread, we will walk through the Visual Editor.

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