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Order Confirmation


You’ve streamlined document generation, but what if you could go even further with automation by combining Salesforce Flow with Documill? Documill Task API is an additional service on top of user licenses to automate document generation without user interaction to improve your down stream process efficiency.


Read on to explore some of the efficiency gains from Documill Task API, what a sample workflow could look like, and how to build it.

Why use Documill for automatic document generation?



What else can I automate?

While you are at it, you might as well automate:

📄Renewal invoices

Automatically generate and send renewal invoices 30 days prior to the end of the subscription term, ensuring a smooth renewal process.

👷Service reports

Automatically generate and send a field service report after each service visit is completed. The technician inputs the service details in Salesforce mobile app, and a professional report is sent to the customer for signing off.


At the end of each month, a timesheet report summarizing the hours worked by consultants on a project is automatically generated and sent to the client for review and approval.

How to build a simple automatic document generation process

In the table below, you will find a step-by-step guide into building an automatic document generation workflow with 2 steps: Task API and Save&Send.

We chose 2 simple steps for this sample workflow. With Documill, your workflow options are endless - contact us at to customise yours and let us help you build it.

While automatic document generation can be done on either our Automate or Negotiate license, additional Task API licenses are required. Contact for more information and a quote.

Building the below process requires that the necessary Salesforce configurations have already been done. If that is not the case, start with our instructions to Setting Up Documill.


Sample scenario - Order confirmation:
The Sales team wants to automatically generate and send order confirmations when an opportunity is closed as won.

As the documents do not require any additional inputs or editing, they want to be able to generate and send the documents automatically upon changing the Salesforce status.

They also want the order confirmations to be stored back to the corresponding record in Salesforce.


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